Botond Barabás was born in Odorheiu Secuiesc/Székelyudvarhely, and spent his high school years here, which he describes as “difficult and full of struggles.” Then, in the year before his university entrance exams, something happened: Botond realized that he was not a bad student; he just hadn’t found what truly interested him, what he could consider his vocation. He finally found this at the university: he was admitted on his first try, and with a scholarship, to the University of Theatre in Târgu Mureș/Marosvásárhely. He became an actor, played every role he could, and hadn’t even turned 20 when he stepped onto the stage of the National Theatre in Budapest alongside the greatest artists. Then he went to Szolnok, a city he has called home for 20 years. Since 2021, he has been trying a different role: he is the director of the Szigligeti Theatre in Szolnok.
“I feel that fate has been generous with me, as the great masters quickly discovered certain things in me and propelled me from one step of my career to the next. However, it is true that I worked for everything I achieved; I didn’t get anything for free in this profession”, says Botond.