
Csipán Kristóf Csaba

Reading promoter

Csipán Kristóf Csaba is 12 years old, and he’s been homeschooled since four years. When he was only 9 years old, he left the institutionalized education system, because – along with their parents – he felt that he’s losing himself, his personality and courage. Since then he has the possibility to choose what he wants to learn, what he’s truly interested in. He can make choices that will determine his future, and the right circumstances for that are created by his parents. Thanks to these circumstances, he could start his Facebook-page about book recommendations, KriStory, where Kristóf promotes his hobby: reading. He writes short reviews about books that others should read too in his opinion. „Personally I can feel the benefits of reading, and I would like others to experience this sensation too. I am sure that the world will be a better place if it’s inhabited by people who read” – Kristóf says.

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