Ilyés Lóránd considers himself lucky that since childhood, his life has evolved in such a way that movement and sports have been an integral part of his daily life, something established by the play activities around the apartment blocks of that time and the vacations spent at his grandparents’ place. Through the tasks performed at his grandparents’ farm in Dârjiu/Székelyderzs, he gained many life experiences that continue to help him to this day. “I feel that my childhood environment and my nature-close perspective have created an ability in me that also shows in collaborating with people,” says Lóránd. He believes that this is where his sensitivity towards community activities comes from, as well as his commitments related to sports and nature-close projects, and not only these. The need to take responsibility for certain causes and to act actively in this regard, where perspective shaping and inspiration play an important role, developed naturally within him.